ECO DROPS – Milk thistle


Milk thistle is a plant especially recommended for individuals prone to alcohol consumption and fatty foods. It is also proven to be helpful for hangovers.

Milk thistle protects the liver, aiding in its detoxification and regeneration.

This powerful herb not only strengthens the body but also regulates digestion and helps with constipation. Less known but equally important, milk thistle is extremely beneficial for vein-related issues. It assists in stopping bleeding and strengthening veins, making it an excellent choice for supporting overall vascular health.

Milk thistle is a plant especially recommended for individuals prone to alcohol consumption and fatty foods. It is also proven to be helpful for hangovers.

Milk thistle protects the liver, aiding in its detoxification and regeneration.

This powerful herb not only strengthens the body but also regulates digestion and helps with constipation. Less known but equally important, milk thistle is extremely beneficial for vein-related issues. It assists in stopping bleeding and strengthening veins, making it an excellent choice for supporting overall vascular health.

Incorporating milk thistle into your daily routine can significantly contribute to better overall health, particularly in supporting the liver and digestive system, as well as maintaining healthy veins.

Our ECO DROPS represent premium herbal tinctures, and our nettle drops stand out due to their numerous benefits.

Tinctures are concentrated herbal extracts obtained by soaking plant parts in alcohol or another solvent.

They allow for quick and effective absorption of the nutrients from plants, offering convenience and a long shelf life.

Our product comes in a 30 ml bottle and is used as a dietary supplement.


40-55% vol. alcoholic tincture of  Milk Thistle

Way of use:

It is recommended to take 5-20 drops of the product 3 times a day, which you mix with 100 ml of water or juice.


It is important to note that it is not recommended for children under the age of 6 or for people sensitive to some of the product’s ingredients.

Also, the recommended quantities must not be exceeded. This product is used as a dietary supplement, not as a substitute for a variety of foods.

Storage method:

Store it in its original packaging in a dark and dry place at a temperature of up to 22°C.


Recommended quantities must not be exceeded.

This product is used as a dietary supplement, not as a substitute for a variety of foods.

NUTRITIONAL VALUES Per 100g of product
Energy: 954 kJ/228 kcal
Fats: 0.01g of which: Saturated fatty acids: < 0.01 g
Carbohydrates: 0.03 g of which: Sugars: 0.01 g Proteins: < 0.01g Salt: < 0.001g


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